Poetry reminding us that although healing isn’t easy, nor linear, it is well worth it.
Natural sleep aids to keep you dreaming big.
A growing list of free resources to help us orient towards self-care and community-care at this transformative moment.
“True accountability is not only apologizing, understanding the impacts your actions have caused on yourself and others, making amends or reparations to the harmed parties; but most importantly, true accountability is changing your behavior so that the harm, violence, abuse does not happen again.” — Mia Mingus
“When we begin to live from within outward, in touch with the power of the erotic within ourselves, and allowing that power to inform and illuminate our actions upon the world around us, then we begin to be responsible to ourselves in the deepest sense. For as we begin to recognize our deepest feelings, we begin to give up being satisfied with suffering and self-negation, and with the numbness which so often seems like their only alternative in our society.”
“In our early lives we all develop strategies in order to protect ourselves from a harsh world. To do this, we create maps that help us navigate our life experiences. These maps tell us what is safe and what is not, what is pleasurable and what is painful. They help us maximize nourishment in our environment and also help us curb any perceivable threats.”
“Human nervous systems don’t enjoy exploitation, injustice and powerlessness. What we call mental illness can instead be understood as a pattern of responses to adverse experiences with power and threats to our perception of safety, both at a systemic and interpersonal level.”
Visionary physician Dr. Gabor Maté explores the deepest psychological, emotional and social forces leading to our society’s poor health and unhappiness. He says we have the capacity to heal both ourselves and the planet by reconnecting with our true nature as empathic, nurturing, social beings.
“One of his tools is particularly useful in helping us learn to savor the small, positive events of our day, pushing against our biological drive to preferentially attend to the negative ones. This easy and powerful tool is the simple act of writing down three things that went well during the day each evening before sleep. “
“Think of your emotions as passing clouds, visible but not a part of you.”
“The most effective change-makers in our society aren’t waiting around for a new president to make their lives better, they’re planting seeds, quite literally, and through the revolutionary act of gardening, they’re rebuilding their communities while growing their own independence.”
Breathwork has its roots in ancient eastern practices. Some focus more on the altered state of consciousness than others, but they all can help with self-awareness and inner peace.
“Instead of mercilessly judging and criticizing yourself for various inadequacies or shortcomings, self-compassion means you are kind and understanding when confronted with personal failings – after all, who ever said you were supposed to be perfect?” – Kristen Neff