Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams


Sleep is foundational to our wellbeing, as are dreams. Here are some scientifically-proven sleep aids so you can dream on. Please consult your doctor/psychiatrist before trying these because there are some contraindications.


Hops, valerian and passionflower

“Combining hops, valerian and passionflower is a safe and synergistic approach to aid sleep onset and duration. Many people try using valerian without much success; however, its effects are best potentiated by hops and passionflower, both of which also affect levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This three-herb combination aids sleep onset and reduces overall anxiety. It can be used daily without side effects; however, it may not be sufficient for managing very high levels of anxiety or panic. For these cases, kava, one of the preeminent anxiolytics of the plant world, is usually more effective.”

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On Healing

On Healing

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